More than 128 million people around the world can communicate in Japanese. It is the official language of Japan, and large immigrant communities have spread it to South Korea, the United States, and Brazil.
Is it difficult to study Japanese? There is a widespread misconception among those attempting to learn a new language that Japanese is the most challenging of them. Every step of learning a new language requires significant time and commitment.

If you take Japanese classes and make use of the information in this article, however, you will no doubt become fluent in the language.
How Can I Learn Japanese By Myself?
Learning Japanese on your own is possible with the right resources and dedication. Here are some steps you can follow to start learning Japanese:
1. Set Clear Goals
Determine why you want to learn Japanese and what level of proficiency you want to achieve. Having specific goals will help you stay motivated throughout your learning journey.
Here are some tips for setting effective goals:
Make your goals specific and well-defined. Instead of saying, “I want to learn Japanese,” specify what you want to achieve, such as “I want to reach conversational fluency in Japanese within one year” or “I want to be able to read and understand manga in Japanese.”
Set goals that can be measured or quantified. For example, you can aim to learn a certain number of vocabulary words per week, complete a specific textbook or course, or have a certain number of conversations in Japanese each month.
Realistic and Attainable:
Set goals that are realistic and attainable based on your available time, resources, and dedication. Consider your current level of Japanese proficiency and the amount of time you can devote to learning each day or week.
Set a deadline or timeline for achieving your goals. This helps create a sense of urgency and keeps you motivated. For example, you can set a goal to pass a specific Japanese language proficiency test within six months.
Break it down:
Break larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks. This makes your goals less overwhelming and allows you to track your progress more effectively. For example, if your goal is to learn 1,000 new vocabulary words, break it down into smaller increments, like learning 20 words per week.
Be open to adjusting your goals as you progress and gain a better understanding of the language learning process. It’s okay to modify your goals if needed or set new ones based on your evolving needs and interests.
Remember to regularly review your goals and track your progress. Celebrate your achievements along the way, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. Learning a language takes time and effort, so stay committed and motivated.
2. Start With Hiragana And Katakana
Starting with hiragana and katakana is an excellent first step in learning Japanese. These two phonetic writing systems are fundamental to reading and pronouncing Japanese words. Here’s how you can get started:
Learn The Hiragana Chart:
Familiarize yourself with the hiragana characters, which represent the basic sounds in Japanese. There are 46 characters in total. You can find online resources, textbooks, or flashcards that provide the hiragana chart with the characters, their Romanized equivalents, and their pronunciations.
Practice Writing Hiragana:
Grab a notebook or use practice sheets specifically designed for hiragana. Start by tracing the characters and then try writing them on your own. Repeat writing them multiple times to reinforce your memory of the characters’ shapes and strokes.
Master The Pronunciation:
Each hiragana character represents a specific sound. Listen to audio recordings or use online resources to learn the correct pronunciation for each character. Pay attention to the long vowels, double consonants, and other unique sounds in Japanese.
Expand Your Vocabulary:
Once you have a grasp of hiragana, start learning vocabulary words written in hiragana. Begin with simple words and gradually increase the complexity. Use flashcards or vocabulary lists to practice reading and recognizing hiragana in context.
Proceed To Katakana:
Katakana is another phonetic script used in Japanese, primarily for foreign words, loanwords, and emphasis. Similar to hiragana, learn the katakana chart, practice writing the characters, and understand their pronunciation.
Differentiate Between Hiragana And Katakana:
Develop the ability to distinguish between hiragana and katakana characters. Pay attention to their visual differences, as katakana characters tend to have more angular shapes compared to the rounded shapes of hiragana characters.
Practice Reading And Writing:
Begin reading simple texts that primarily use hiragana and katakana, such as children’s books or beginner-level materials. Start with short sentences and gradually progress to longer paragraphs. Practice writing sentences or short paragraphs using hiragana and katakana to reinforce your learning.
Reinforce With Language Learning Resources:
Utilize language learning apps, online courses, or textbooks that offer exercises and drills for hiragana and katakana. These resources can help you practice reading, writing, and recognizing the characters more effectively.
Remember to regularly review and reinforce your knowledge of hiragana and katakana as you progress in your Japanese language learning journey. They form the basis for further study of kanji (Chinese characters) and will greatly enhance your reading and pronunciation skills.
3. Study Basic Grammar
Studying basic grammar is crucial for understanding the structure of Japanese sentences and forming coherent expressions. Here are some steps to help you study basic grammar:
Get A Reliable Textbook Or Online Resource:
Choose a reputable Japanese grammar textbook or online resource that suits your learning style. Some popular options include “Genki,” “Japanese from Zero!,” and “Tae Kim’s Guide to Learning Japanese.” These resources usually provide explanations, examples, and exercises to practice grammar points.
Start With Essential Sentence Patterns:
Begin by learning basic sentence patterns that will allow you to construct simple sentences. Focus on topics such as sentence structure, verb conjugation, and particle usage. Common sentence patterns include “subject + です/だ” for making statements and “subject + は + topic + です/だ” for introducing oneself or talking about preferences.
Practice With Example Sentences:
Study example sentences provided in your textbook or online resource. Pay attention to how grammar points are used in context. Try to analyze the sentence structure and understand the role of each word or particle.
Use Online Resources And Explanations:
Complement your learning with additional online resources that explain specific grammar points in detail. Websites like Tae Kim’s Guide to Learning Japanese, JapanesePod101, and Imabi offer comprehensive explanations and examples for various grammar topics.
Take Note Of Verb Conjugation:
Familiarize yourself with verb conjugation patterns. Japanese verbs change their endings depending on tense, politeness level, and formality. Learn the basic verb groups (ru-verbs, u-verbs, and irregular verbs) and their conjugations for present, past, and future tenses.
Study Particles:
Particles play a crucial role in Japanese sentence structure. Learn the common particles such as は (wa), が (ga), を (o), に (ni), and で (de), which indicate topics, subjects, direct objects, locations, and means, respectively. Understand how particles affect the meaning and function of the words or phrases they accompany.
Practice And Reinforce:
Regularly practice using the grammar points you’ve learned. Complete exercises provided in your textbook, create your example sentences or engage in online quizzes and drills. The more you apply the grammar in practice, the better you’ll understand and retain it.
Seek Clarification And Practice With Native Speakers:
If you have questions or need clarification on specific grammar points, join online language communities or language exchange platforms. Interacting with native Japanese speakers can provide valuable insights and opportunities to practice using grammar in real-life conversations.
Remember that grammar is an ongoing process, and it’s normal to encounter new concepts and complexities as you progress. Consistent practice and exposure to Japanese materials, such as reading texts, listening to conversations, and watching videos, will also reinforce your understanding of grammar in a practical context.
4. Build Vocabulary
Building vocabulary is an essential aspect of learning any language, including Japanese. Here are some effective strategies to help you build your Japanese vocabulary:
Start With Everyday Words:
Begin by learning commonly used words and phrases that are relevant to daily life. This includes greetings, numbers, colours, family members, food, and basic verbs. These foundational words will be useful in various contexts.
Use Vocabulary Lists:
Use textbooks, online resources, or language learning apps that provide vocabulary lists organized by topics or levels. These lists can help you systematically expand your vocabulary in a structured manner.
Flashcards And Spaced Repetition:
Create physical flashcards or use digital flashcard apps like Anki or Quizlet to practice vocabulary. Write the Japanese word on one side and the English meaning on the other. Review and test yourself regularly, focusing more on the words you find challenging. Spaced repetition systems can optimize your learning and help you memorize words effectively.
Contextual Learning:
Learn vocabulary words in context rather than isolated words. Read simple texts, listen to dialogues, or watch videos with subtitles in Japanese. This way, you’ll encounter words in natural contexts, understand their meanings better, and observe how they are used in sentences.
Mnemonics And Associations:
Create mnemonic devices or mental associations to help remember new words. Connect new vocabulary to images, stories, or personal experiences. This can make memorization more engaging and memorable.
Use Visual Aids:
Utilize visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, or real-life objects to associate Japanese words with their meanings. For example, you can label items in your environment with their corresponding Japanese words.
Learn Kanji Gradually:
Kanji are Chinese characters used in the Japanese writing system. While it can be challenging, gradually learning kanji alongside vocabulary can expand your reading and comprehension abilities. Start with basic kanji and gradually progress as you acquire more vocabulary.
Use Online Resources And Apps:
Take advantage of online resources and language learning apps that offer vocabulary-building features, such as interactive exercises, quizzes, and games. Some popular apps include Memrise, Duolingo, and JapanesePod101.
Keep A Vocabulary Journal:
Maintain a dedicated notebook or digital document to record new vocabulary words you encounter. Write down the Japanese word, its English translation, and example sentences. Regularly review and revise your vocabulary journal.
Practice Using New Words:
Actively incorporate new vocabulary into your conversations, writing, or language practice sessions. Find opportunities to use the words you’ve learned and reinforce your understanding through active usage.
Remember that building vocabulary takes time and consistent effort. Aim to learn new words regularly, review old ones frequently, and apply them in different contexts. Balancing quantity and quality is key—strive for breadth in your vocabulary while ensuring a solid understanding of each word’s meaning and usage.
5. Practice Reading And Writing
Practising reading and writing is crucial for developing your skills and fluency in Japanese. Here are some effective strategies to help you practice and improve in these areas:
Start With Simple Texts:
Begin with materials that are appropriate for your current level of Japanese proficiency. This could include children’s books, graded readers, or online resources specifically designed for Japanese learners. These texts usually contain simpler vocabulary and sentence structures, making them more accessible for practice.
Read Regularly:
Set aside dedicated time for reading Japanese every day or on a regular schedule. Consistency is key to building your reading skills. Start with shorter texts and gradually work your way up to more complex materials as your confidence and comprehension improve.
Use Reading Aids:
Utilize tools and resources to support your reading practice. Online dictionaries, browser extensions, or smartphone apps can help you quickly look up unknown words or phrases. Additionally, use furigana (small kana characters) that provide pronunciation guides to kanji, which can be helpful for learners.
Take Notes While Reading:
Keep a notebook or digital document to jot down new vocabulary, expressions, and grammar points that you encounter while reading. This will help reinforce your learning and provide a reference for review later.
Practice Writing Regularly:
Set aside time for writing exercises to improve your written expression and reinforce your understanding of grammar and vocabulary. Start with short sentences or paragraphs related to the topics you are studying or interested in. As you progress, challenge yourself to write longer pieces, such as journal entries, short stories, or essays.
Seek Feedback:
Share your writing with native speakers, language exchange partners, or online communities to receive feedback and corrections. This will help you identify areas for improvement and gain insights into natural usage and conventions.
Engage In Writing Prompts Or Exercises:
Look for writing prompts or exercises in textbooks, online resources, or language learning forums. These prompts provide structured writing practice and can help you focus on specific aspects of the language, such as grammar points or vocabulary usage.
Keep A Journal:
Maintain a personal journal in Japanese to regularly practice writing. Write about your daily experiences, thoughts, or reflections. This not only improves your writing skills but also serves as a record of your language-learning journey.
Practice With Writing Drills:
Use writing drills and workbooks specifically designed for Japanese learners. These resources provide exercises and prompts to practice specific aspects of writing, such as kanji stroke order, sentence structure, or writing formal letters.
Find A Writing Partner Or Tutor:
Engage in language exchange activities or find a Japanese tutor who can provide guidance and corrections on your writing. Regular interaction with a native speaker or experienced tutor can greatly enhance your writing skills.
Remember that practice and perseverance are key. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them. Over time, regular reading and writing practice will significantly improve your comprehension, fluency, and written expression in Japanese.
In conclusion, learning Japanese requires dedication and consistent effort, but it is achievable when approached with the right strategies. Remember, learning Japanese is a journey that takes time and effort. Stay motivated, be consistent, and celebrate your accomplishments along the way. With dedication and perseverance, you can make significant progress in your Japanese language skills. Ganbatte! (Good luck!)